The Application Guide (see Useful Links in the footer) is the ultimate document. It is our reference and everything is written there. In case of doubt, open this PDF file and use CTRL-F to find the keyword that interests you.
In case of mismatch between some pages of the website and the Application Guide, consider the latter as correct. If the mismatch is strong, do not hesitate to contact us per email at
We have reached our nationality quota for Pakistani and Colombian students, who will not be eligible for Erasmus Mundus scholarships.
However, they remain eligible for Consortium Scholarships.
You can submit, but that will impact the evaluation of your application.
We are aware that the test are quite expensive; we give you the possibility to provide your tests results until the 11th of April . This gives you some time to see if you have been selected for the program (by the end of March).
If you come from one of the 26 low income economies* defined by the World Bank, and that you have been selected for an interview, then we can help you with financing the test - Contact us per email
Afghanistan |
Burkina Faso |
Burundi |
Central African Republic |
Chad |
Congo, Dem. Rep. |
Eritrea |
Ethiopia |
Gambia, The |
Guinea-Bissau |
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. |
Liberia |
Madagascar |
Malawi |
Mali |
Mozambique |
Niger |
Rwanda |
Sierra Leone |
Somalia |
South Sudan |
Sudan |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Togo |
Uganda |
Yemen, Rep. |
Source: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519
*low-income economies are defined as those with a GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method, of $1,145 or less in 2023;
It is required to have at least a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Engineering or equivalent in the fields listed below:
- Diploma (Bachelor of Science)
- Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering (and its extensions: Petrochemical engineering, Chemistry)
- Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering
- Bachelor in Applied Mathematics
- Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor in Physics
- Bachelor of Engineering Sciences
Degrees of Bachelor of Technology are not accepted.
Your last diploma must be no more than 3 years old when applications are closed.
There are no longer restrictions on the number of master's programs students can apply to.
Verry classically, we would like you to provide an up-to-date CV.
since very year, the reviewers read 1OO+ CVs, it is important for them to find rapidly the pieces of information that matter. For this reason, it is compulsory to use the Europass format. Using alternative formats (such as Microsoft Word templates) may lead to dissatisfaction among the reviewers, which is not advisable.
Europass CV service is accessible by clicking on: https://europa.eu/europass/en/create-europass-cv
Yes we do - Here is the LINK
The Consortium Scholarshipholders and the self funded students may apply for these different sources of funding:
- you are entitled to APL in France like any other student. This helps you pay for your accommodation (approx. 175€/month)
- possibility of a student job at the Ecole des Mines (approx. 250-300€ / month)
- you may apply for a regional grant. The selected students will get a financial help + a cheaper accomodation
Check: https://www.edisu.piemonte.it/en/services/scholarships-and-other-grants
- possibility of a student job equivalent to that in France(approx. 250-300€ / month)
- possibility of an Erasmus+ or Rhône Alpes Region scholarship from France to Italy (approx 2500 €)
- possibility of a student job
- you may apply to several
Check: https://www.tum.de/en/studies/fees-and-financial-aid/scholarships
- you may apply for a scholarship called Thesis su proposta @ PoliTO
Check: https://www.polito.it/didattica/iscriversi-studiare-laurearsi/studiare-all-estero/bandi-per-mobilita-internazionale-studentesca/bando-tesi-su-proposta-20242025
- Depending on the country you chose to do your intership, the company might grant you a monthly allowance